The Festival de Pâques 2023 will be held in Aix-en-Provence, France, from 31 March to 16 April celebrating its 10th edition.
“At the time of writing these lines, we are well aware of the irony of the situation. It is the month of July, and this time last year we were gaily planning the 2021 edition, filled with hope. We all know how that turned out: no audiences in the concert halls, but an extraordinary digital edition that allowed us to “welcome” a million and a half people in total over all of the performances.
Yet again, as we write these lines, we are acutely aware that our challenge is to bring audiences back into theatres, so that they can connect with the performers in the magical communion between talent and spectator. But we are also aware of the importance of a greater presence in the region, of going out and connecting with those who do not have access to classical music, be it for financial, social or simply geographical reasons. Finally, it is time to use the digital technology at our disposal to cross borders, to take the Aix-en- Provence Easter Festival to the world.
This adventure allows us to reach everyone, and to pass on what, for us, constitutes the essence of classical music and
of our festival: to make it possible for artists and composers to reach out to our society, and to move forward together. Yet again, we would like to let you know how essential the support of the CIC has been to the Festival. This exceptional partnership has faced many challenges and has never failed to show its strength. Consequently, with the CIC and all of the teams behind the Easter Festival, we are looking forward to welcoming you back to the Festival’s halls and theatres, to the region, or to your screen to show you our dedication to the promotion of classical music.
This year, we have chosen to reach out to French orchestras in particular. The past two seasons have been such a harsh experience for musicians everywhere, we felt it was essential to showcase all of these excellent orchestras. Let us be proud of our country for its support and let us repeat once again, alongside our partner, our sincere thanks to the audiences, authorities and individuals who have remained at our side throughout this overly long journey.”
Dominique Bluzet, directeur exécutif
Renaud Capuçon, directeur artistique
Pour ses 10 ans, le Festival de Pâques s’inscrit plus que jamais dans la solidarité humaine et territoriale.
Il porte les émotions de la musique au-delà d’Aix-en-Provence dans toute la Région Sud avec des concerts offerts à des associations, aux patients de centres de soins ou résidences séniors. Il fait découvrir la musique autrement par des ateliers, rencontres, conférences ou master-classes…
Le Festival de Pâques 2023, un acteur engagé de la vie culturelle en Provence !
Dominique Bluzet, directeur exécutif et Renaud Capuçon, directeur artistique